800 126 359 Lunedi - Venerdì, 09:30 - 18:00 Spedizione assicurata gratuita sopra i 500 €

Prezzo Metallo
Prezzo Oro 2.757,22 € 2.302,16 £ 2.865,58 $
Prezzo Argento 31,10 € 25,97 £ 32,34 $

Isle of Man Angelo

The Angel coin was first introduced into England by Edward IV in 1465 as a new issue of the Noble coin, also known as the "Angel-Noble". Patterned after the French "Angelot or Ange", which was first issued back in 1340, its name is derived from its representation of the Archangel Michael slaying a dragon.

Ordina per:

A Piedfort (pronounced as "Pee-Ay-Fore") is an unusually thick coin, often exactly twice the normal weight and thickness of other coins of the same diameter and pattern.


  • Weight (g): Various
  • Pure Gold Content (g): Various
  • Fineness: Various
  • Dimensions: Various
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  • Fully insured delivery
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